Mark O’Keeffe

B.Comm. FCA

Mark left his position as a Director in one of the top ten accountancy practices in Ireland and founded and managed his own successful practice as a sole trader for more than 15 years. In early 2022 he incorporated his practice which now trades as Old Quarter Chartered Accountants Limited.

Mark has wide and varied experience over the past thirty years and has dealt with the full range of financial needs for both personal and corporate clients. He has also provided consultancy advice to entities in both the private and public charitable and educational sectors.

Mark has managed the provision of audit services for the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Office, for entities ranging from Educational Training Boards’s, Institutes of Technology, Enterprise Boards and LEADER groups. He has also prepared internal audit reports for similar organisations. He has served on Cork County Council, HSE forum (South) and the South and is currently a member of the grant approval sub-committee of the South and East Cork Area Development board (SECAD). He has also served as trustee for a primary school in Cork.

Mark also previously lectured in Information Technology to Certified Public Accountant Students and Certified Chartered Accountancy students as part of their professional examinations.

Mark has overseen the taxation and corporate finance work for a number of tax-tax based property schemes including a Student Accommodation Scheme, a Town Renewal Apartment Scheme, Hotel schemes etc.